Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week 14

Hello all!

We will be having Kids 4 Truth in the church tomorrow for any who feel comfortable coming.  Our plan is to meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:20 and we will go upstairs for the service at about 5 til 11.  The same recommendations for the adult service will be in place therefore we request that masks be worn until the children are seated in the Fellowship Hall and again on their way back to the sanctuary.  We will space siblings together at tables, spread well over 6 foot apart from other families and we will sanitize the tables and chairs afterwards.  If you don't feel comfortable coming to join us in person, we will still stream the lesson with Zoom.  Note that Zoom only allows times on the half hour, so it will say 10:00 but we will begin at 10:20.  The lesson will also be recorded and available to be viewed later if you can't join at 10:20.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Our lesson this week will be Theme 11, unit 6.

The recording of lesson # 6 is below.


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