Saturday, August 8, 2020

Info For August 9, 2020

 Hi all,

We have been using the same Zoom information for a while but last week as I went to begin I realized that it had expired so I quickly set up a new one.  I since went in to the original and figured out how to extend the recurrences.  So we are back to the link we had been using prior to last week.  Sorry for the confusion.  We will be meeting in person again tomorrow in the fellowship hall at 10:20 and streaming on Zoom at that time as well with the information below.  Andrea will not be there tomorrow with family visiting from her wedding reception so her kids will be with me in the Fellowship Hall.  We are on unit number 6 in our final theme of the year.  Thanks!

Michael Walkup is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NPBC K4T Lesson @ 10:20
Time: Aug 9, 2020 10:20 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 2203 7752

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Week 18

Below is the link to the Zoom for our 7/12 K4T lesson.  We started a new theme, the last of this year, on God's Plan for the Future, and covered the lesson for the first unit.  We look forward to meeting back in person next week in the fellowship hall at 10:20 and will also stream on Zoom at 10:20 and record.  We have missed everyone the past few weeks while we had company in from out of town.  Hope everyone is having a great summer!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Week 17

Hi I missed everyone today and sorry for the complications that didn't allow us to meet in person or on Zoom.  I did do a recording of the lesson if you want to see it for Theme 11, Unit 10.  This completes our last unit on this theme and takes us into our last theme of the year starting next week.  We will meet on Zoom at 2pm next week and then start back in person at 10:20 in the fellowship hall after that.  Below are the links to the recording of the lesson and also a video of a song that is mentioned during the lesson that you might enjoy.  Have a great week everybody!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Week 15


We enjoyed our second week meeting in the Fellowship Hall and seeing those who joined on Zoom.  The link to the lesson for theme 11 Unit 7 is below.  Looking forward to next week at the same time with those who can join us in person and on Zoom when we will cover units 8 and 9.  Keep that memory work coming and thanks for keeping me updated on book progress!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week 14

Hello all!

We will be having Kids 4 Truth in the church tomorrow for any who feel comfortable coming.  Our plan is to meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:20 and we will go upstairs for the service at about 5 til 11.  The same recommendations for the adult service will be in place therefore we request that masks be worn until the children are seated in the Fellowship Hall and again on their way back to the sanctuary.  We will space siblings together at tables, spread well over 6 foot apart from other families and we will sanitize the tables and chairs afterwards.  If you don't feel comfortable coming to join us in person, we will still stream the lesson with Zoom.  Note that Zoom only allows times on the half hour, so it will say 10:00 but we will begin at 10:20.  The lesson will also be recorded and available to be viewed later if you can't join at 10:20.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Our lesson this week will be Theme 11, unit 6.

The recording of lesson # 6 is below.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 9

This Sunday, May 24, we will be starting on a brand new theme, God's Work - Past and Present and we will be learning from lesson number 1, looking at the question When did God plan everything He would do?    We hope you can all make it and have really enjoyed having our regular participants!  Keep those book progress updates coming, I'm tracking it all and hope I haven't missed anything!  If anyone ever has any questions on what we are on or what you've missed, just let me know!


Topic: NPBC K4T Lesson
Time: May 24, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 2203 7752

Week 12

Below is the link for Theme 11 Lessons 2 and 3.

Week 13


The Zoom recording for Theme 11 lessons 4 and 5 is at the link below.  I went a little long, sorry!  But if you are watching the recording you can watch one lesson at a time!  Hope everyone is having a great week.  Next week we are going to try to meet in either the Fellowship Hall or the Auditorium.  We will let you know the details as soon as we figure it out but we will be doing it on Zoom and recording it regardless.  It will either be at 10:00 or 10:30 and we will be doing the lesson for Theme 11 Lesson 6.


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 11

The Zoom recording for May 31st is now available for Theme 11--God's Work Past and Present, lessons 2 and 3.  Look forward to seeing everyone next week as we cover lessons 4 and 5 and go into review of 1-5.  Please keep me updated of book progress and everyone is doing great!  Thanks for participating!  The zoom link is set now to be the same but will repost for next week.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week 8

The Kids4Truth lesson will be on Zoom again today, May 17, at 2 PM.  The link is the same as it was last week.  We will be covering lesson number 9 in theme 10 and this will be our last lesson in theme 10.  Next week we will begin a new theme on God's Work - Past and Present.  This means that this week is also review week.  We will do unit 9 as new and review 6-9.  Unit 10 is omitted this theme but if you want to say it you can earn extra shares for when we are back in person!

The recording for this weeks lesson is now available here if you missed it!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Week 7

Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers!  We will have our Zoom meeting tomorrow at 2pm.  The information is the same as last week.  We will cover unit number 8 from theme 10.  I realize some will have Mothers Day plans that might conflict with this time but so we will post the recording as soon as we are done and you will be welcome to watch it any time through the week.

Thanks for the updates about book progress.

The recording for this lesson is in the link below.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week 6

Hi everyone!  Hope that you are doing well and enjoying this beautiful Spring weather.  This week we will have our Kids4Truth Zoom club meeting at 2pm.  Instead of a secret knock, this club has a secret zoom meeting ID!  We will be doing lesson #7 in theme 10, God's Purpose For His Children.  We look forward to seeing you there! 

Also, I've set this up as recurring so we should be able to use the same link from now on, if it works as I think it will.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 2203 7752

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Week 5

Hi everyone!  This week we will have our Kids4Truth Zoom lesson on theme 10 Unit 6, Sunday at 2pm.  Don't forget to update us on what units and fill-in-the-blanks you have finished! Ooh, or better yet share your hard work on Marco Polo for everyone in our group to see!  Don't forget to have your parents sign your books as you complete things so you can keep track yourself.  Speaking of keeping track, we're tracking all of your dollars so there will be some BIG payouts when we get back!!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week 4

Hi everyone!  I hope you had a good Resurrection Sunday last week.  We're excited to get back together again.  Since our drive-in service will be at the church at 11 o'clock, we'll have our Kids4Truth zoom meeting at 2pm. 

This week we'll be reciting Memorize It Unit 5 and review of 1-5.

Here's the information to sign in and I hope you can all make it.  If not, we'll leave a link to replay the video in our closed Facebook group.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 808 226 513
Password: 587105

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Week 3

Welcome to Kids4Truth week #3.  This week we'll be saying sections 3 & 4.  Come join us on Zoom at 10:00am.  There will be a puppet show!!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Week 2!

This week we're starting a new theme, God's Purpose for His Children.

We'll be meeting on Zoom at 10am.  You can click here to access that.

We'll be covering the first 2 units.  Don't forget to send in your video of the memory work.  Or at the least, contact us to let us know what has been completed.

Update: We've added a link to fun coloring pages you can print out to go along with each week's memory work.  It's in the tab above called, Coloring Pages. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Welcome to our new blog for Kids4Truth!!  We hope that this will serve us well as we're doing Kids4Truth at home.  We are hoping to continue Kids4Truth until we can be together again and this page is the central place to check for all updates.  This will be a work in progress as we try to see what does and doesn't work.


Lessons:  I (Mr. Walkup) will be giving a lesson each week using Zoom.  Prior to the lesson I will post the Zoom link here along with the time of the lesson.

***Our first live Zoom meeting will take place tomorrow March 22, 2020 at 2pm.  I do hope you'll be able to join us!!  You can access that meeting by clicking here:***

Zoom does not require a login, just a link, which is one of the reasons we chose that format.  Also, Zoom doesn't just video me, but also allows me to see (and most importantly hear!) the others who have joined the session.  Finally, Zoom will allow me to share my screen as well as showing video of me.  I think this will give the closest approximation to meeting in person.  The lessons will be geared more toward the older children that I usually teach but I will try to figure out how to engage the younger children as well (this will take practice and I'll probably never get great at it with such a big age range).

Memory Work:  

We missed last week so the calendar is being updated but for our first week we will pick up what we would have done last week and then combine the next two units.  I'll always post what units we are on in this location and the calendar will be linked here as well.  This week will be our Salvation Theme which is theme 9 and the unit is the last one #10.  That means it will also be review week so we will review weeks 6-10.  There will be a section here to guide the requirements for completion of the memory work under "Memorization".  To do the verses we are going to try an app called Marco Polo.  When your kids know a verse they can video themselves saying it and send it to the Marco Polo app.  I will keep up with shares and patches and announce awards in the Zoom session as they are earned.  I'm brainstorming some other awards to keep the children engaged and motivated.

Home Work:  

As with in-person Kids4Truth, your child will get a lot more out of it if they put in some effort at home.  This is especially critical now as we don't have the book time for learning, just for reciting.  It will be more important than ever for you to help out with the memory work at home.  We do have some ideas we are exploring for using Facetime or something like that to help out with memorization but the best way is to help them work on their memorization a little each day.  Use the other information in the books to start some great conversations with your kids on the truths as well.  The main reason we use Kids4Truth is that it goes beyond just rote memorization.


I have made a survey to get some input on you about the best time for the lessons on Zoom and things like that.  There is a place there for other ideas you may have as well.

Thank you for your patience as we work out the kinks in all of this.  Know that we are doing our best to make this work because we think it is very important to keep our kids learning these precious truths of our faith.  Let us know if you have any questions at any time.  We will pray for you and your kids and hope you pray for us too.  We can't wait to be back together in person again.  Hope to see many of you tomorrow.

Mike Walkup